All garden pieces can be ordered in other colors: either in combinations or in a solid color scheme:
Blues — Cobalt blue, Aqua blue, light blue, periwinkle
Greens — emerald green, lime green, forrest green, kelly green
Yellows — Pale and darker, golds, beige
White and iridescent white
Orange and rusts in various shades
Reds — dark red, red orange, pink, scarlet
See home page for color palette.
Size: 12.5” round 29” long by 16” wide
I am a modern day gargoyle. My siblings and I were spawned soon after my parents met in Paris. My winged mother would fly up to meet my father while he stood guard on the highest ledge of Cathedrale Notre-Dame. The Jewels that I collect in my flights are the gifts that I share with you. From the green bottle they dazzle the night sky and emanate lightness and clarity of thought.
This one is sold but similar ones are available.
Contact Celeste for more information:
Size: 14” round 45” long by 15” wide
I am a modern-day gargoyle. My antennae collect the beauty of sound, vision, dance, sensation, and scents. Each of these are stored in the colorful circles at my feet. At night and when storms occur, I release these energies throughout your garden and home. All the beings both seen and unseen are infused with laughter and delight.
This one is sold but similar ones are available.
Contact Celeste for more information:
Size: 55" long by 21" wide by 9" deep
I am a modern day Gargoyle. This one is sold, but has many other siblings. Custom orders are available. Contact Celeste for more information.
This one is sold but similar ones are available.
Contact Celeste for more information:
Size: 49" long by 15" round by 9" deep
I am a modern day Gargoyle.
This one is sold but similar ones are available.
Contact Celeste for more information:
All of my pieces are original so if you find something you like that has been sold, it will be similar but will not be an exact copy.
Size: 53" long by 9" wide by 5" round
See notes for installation
I am a modern day Gargoyle.
This one is sold but similar ones are available.
Contact Celeste for more information:
All of my pieces are original so if you find something you like that has been sold, it will be similar but will not be an exact copy.
52" long by 9" wide by 5" round
See notes for installation
I am a modern day Gargoyle.
This one is sold but similar ones are available.
Contact Celeste for more information:
All of my pieces are original so if you find something you like that has been sold, it will be similar but will not be an exact copy.
Size: 58” long by 10” wide by 5” round
2 pieces that fit together see notes
I am a modern day gargoyle. I am attired in variegated greens-the color of spring, life, the heart chakra, nature, the forest, new growth, and healing.
Notice my badge of love. I bring to you the energy of the equinox and all the wide connections of my ancient heritage.
Contact Celeste to purchase or for more information:
Size: 57” long by 11” wide by 5” round
I am a Modern day Gargoyle. My antennae help me communicate and listen to all the beings on this world and others. When the moon is full I am able to run and join my siblings to howl at the moon. We howl to dissolve pain and injustice and bring light to wherever it is needed.
2 Pieces that fit together see notes
This one is sold but similar ones or custom orders are available.
Contact Celeste to purchase or for more information: